Geeks behind Iron Curtain

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Forfatter: Jasno i glasno
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Do you happen to know who came up with female Spider Man? Do you know about the kids behind the Iron Curtain who put together their own gaming consoles not to be cool, but because they could not afford them otherwise? Or that college professors invented ways to smuggle computers over the border into Eastern Europe where popular SF TV show was dubbed the show that spoils the imagination of children? That the Yugoslavian scientist Nikola Tesla, the biggest "geek" in history, got celebrated by having factories named after him? Would you like to know where the birthplace of the best European SF magazine of the 80s is or what the crew of Apollo ate after visiting Belgrade? Or why video games were pirated freely, with zero concern for private property?
If youd like to truly feel the past, in a way that changes the future, Geeks Behind the Iron Curtain is something you need to read. Its an in-depth story of the creativity of "geeks" in socialist countries, one that will give you an insight into their struggles and hopes and dreams up until the spectacular fall of the Berlin Wall. A tale that has never been told.
An exciting story of regimes in which all the kids had no choice but be part of the pioneer movement, write letters of adoration and sing songs at dictators birthdays. In the freedom of their own rooms, though, these were the kids who built rockets that would take us to Mars, read thrilling superhero comics, built their own computers out of smuggled parts and watched SF movies on pirated VHS tapes so they would not have to wait years to watch them in cinemas!

Jasno & Glasno, a content marketing & online community management agency in cooperation with Kristian Benic made an application which is both of the past and of the future. The form of it inspires creativity even while it awakens the curiosity of childhood. The content teaches about little known and often mysterious details of the history of the countries behind the Iron Curtain, revealing that geeks – the most innovative and progressive cultural group of todays world – were, in no small way, the initiators of development as well as the final change.